Monday, 29 December 2014

Etwinning project: "Christmas cards sent by traditional mail"

Etwinning project: "Christmas cards sent by traditional mail" . Our students from classes 1A and 1B exchanged Chistmas cards with several European schools. This video shows how our school gets ready for Christmas. It is part of our contribution to the Etwinning project.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Learning English at home/Aprenent anglès a casa

Interessant article per a les famílies que vulguen treballar la llengua anglesa a casa. Publicat a "Entre actividades infantiles", on trobareu també altres articles sobre educació i recursos.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Christmas time

These are some nice Christmas songs to review the parts of the body.  
The dancing Christmas Tree  
Little Snowflake | Super Simple Songs

Monday, 1 December 2014

Body parts

Let's learn some body parts. First, some music:
Now, we can try some games. Look at your face. Is it as funny as this one? Click and learn.

Now, we can try this activity.Veggy body parts? Let's look...